Resource Mobilization Academy

Resource Mobilization Academy

Have you always wanted to start and run your own impact-making organization? Have you already registered an organization and you need to gain more skills and knowledge on securing funding and other resources for your organization?  Many people have started organizations and have always failed to secure funding and other resources needed for project/programme interventions. No organization can survive without resources. Many people have ideas and have passion for helping the vulnerable, voiceless people and communities.

However, they are limited by lack of skills and knowledge on raising resources to drive the needed change. Lack of resources and donor funding further limit their ability to put their ideas and initiatives into action.  The Training and mentorship on Project planning and Resource Mobilization is for those who have already started a CBO/NGO that makes a difference. Organizations that are trained and mentored are equipped with practical knowledge and skills to effectively plan and mobilize resources from a variety of funders and donors for their project interventions.

Do you want to start an organization or business? 
Are you a graduate with an academic degree?  Then, our Resource Mobilization Academy is the place for you.

Many young people are searching for what they want to do in life. Many have ideas and need to help the vulnerable and voiceless people. Hhowever, they are limited by lack of skills and knowledge on starting initiatives to drive the needed change. Lack of resources and donor funding further limit their ability to put their ideas and initiatives into action.  The Resource Mobilization Academy is for those who have already decided to initiate a CBO/NGO that makes a difference. Participants of the Academy are equipped with knowledge and skills to effectively start and manage organizations. They are equipped with knowledge and skills needed to mobilize resources for their project interventions.  The academy will help graduates to develop all the necessary skills to effectively run CBOs/NGOs and attract donor funding.

In our academy, you will be able to:
•    Understand how to start, initiate and manage an organization
•    Understand different ways of resource mobilization
•    Understand the principles of project development and proposal writing
•    Organize the different components of a proposal in a logical flow
•    Write an effective proposal according to donor’s requirements and guidelines
•    Use of M&E frameworks in project design when developing a proposal
•    Write good quality reports tailored to a target audience

1)    Bachelor’s degree (open to any field)
2)    The Academy welcomes applicants aged between 22-30 years of age who have overcome significant life challenges ranging from abuse, disability, poverty, war, discrimination, and/or exploitation Or, they could also be witnesses to social situations they wish to change so others do not suffer.
3)    The Applicant must have a plan to start an organization and/or initiative that addresses a social, economic, political, cultural and/or environmental problem.
4)    The Applicant should have a passion to make the world a better place and the strength to be a change maker
5)    The Applicant must be able to commit 12 months of mentorship y 
6)    The Applicant must be able to participate in all academy training sessions
7)    The Applicant must speak and understand basic English and have basic computer skills.

What we offer
1)    Mentorship for one year.
2)    Graduates of the academy will have access to a network of change-makers and donors worldwide.
3)    During the Academy, participants covers a range of topics that are relevant to start and run an impact making organization:

Contact Us

Resource Mobilization Initiative (REMI)
Resource Mobilization House
Plot 5520, Kira Municipality, Wakiso Uganda
P. O. Box 28102, Wakiso, Uganda
Tel: +256774190533/+256701190533

Why Resource Mobilization?

1) Ensures the continuation of your organization’s service provision to clients.
2) Supports organizational sustainability.
3) Allows organizations to improve and scale-up products and services.
4) Organizations must be in the business of generating new business to stay in business.


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